Out of everything we have done so far in Ollie’s memory, this is the project that we hope makes the most difference & has the most impact.
Our ‘How to Support Bereaved Parents’ booklets will be distributed shortly and will be available to order free of charge via my Instagram page exc postage and via our Etsy shop coming soon! Our booklets are currently with the printer and will be with us by Thursday. Often people don’t know what to say to us or how to help us, and therefore say nothing at all, adding to the loneliness attached with our grief. We really hope that this contributes towards breaking the stigma attached with baby loss & educate people on how to help us. Even on google, support advice is limited to a few baby charities who thankfully have advice on their websites. I have created these to help our loved ones support us in the correct way, which brings both comfort and a feeling of belonging to the bereaved and people supporting the bereaved. The booklet is 12 pages long and includes help and advice, a collection of baby loss poems, readings and songs as well as ‘Little Snowdrop’ poem and Ollie’s story.
Thank you to all of the people who commented on my Instagram post & shared their thoughts – it was a good way for me of testing whether the information we’d included was appropriate & set the right tone.
If anyone would like to order a paper booklet please email me or visit Amazon.co.uk to download my E Booklet. Link is at the bottom of my homepage.
Thank you again for everyone’s support and for telling me your babies stories, forever grateful for this inspiring community of parents. As always, in loving memory of Ollie Watson, the brightest star in the sky.
